Tuesday, December 27, 2022
The Cross Stitch Chronicles, or My SuPeR SeCrEt PrOjEcT
Monday, December 5, 2022
The Rest of November
Gahhbh. I really was trying to stay current, but once I fall behind, my bad memory kicks in (or shorts out) and I can't remember anything that happened. I'm going to use the camera roll on my phone to try to piece this together.
Wednesday, Nov 16 - trip to the pottery place so that Noelle could make a gift for her secret Santa. The place gave me a panic attack. I mean really. My breathing was rapid and it felt like the top of my head was going to blow off. Something about all the choices and uncertainty about what I wanted to make. Well, at least I know for next time to go mentally prepared.
Friday, Nov 18 - drove the kids to Messiah College in Mechanicsburg for the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra's first performance since Covid. Sarah and Layla met us there...it was Layla's first concert. She behaved tolerably well and even seemed engaged for some of it.
Thursday, Nov 24 - almost forgot Thanksgiving. Andy, Sarah, Natalie, and Regina ran the 5K Turkey Trot before heading to the hall to serve our community dinner.
After spending all week cooking and cleaning 30 turkeys, we served almost 600 meals on Thanksgiving morning, then headed to Uncle Mike's for our family celebration. There were over 30 people there!
Sunday, Nov 27 - First Sunday of Advent, which totally took me by surprise. I didn't even get the Advent wreath out yet.
Theresa, Jamison, Natalie, and Noelle decided last minute to go roller skating. Regina was already there with her friend, Ava. Everything went well.. until it didn't. Near the end of the session, Tess took a tumble and heard a *pop*. The others didn't exactly believe her when she said she broke her collarbone, but she actually did. Plot twist: She was the driver, in her car... which has a manual transmission... it was her right arm that was affected...and nobody else could drive stick. Just as I was getting into my pajamas, I received a call from an unknown number, which turned out to be Jamison, outlining the situation.
I drove down in the Escape, which is finally in our possession IN working order WITH a working battery (that's another long story), and Jamison brought the rest of the girls home while I took Tess's car, and Tess, to the Evan emergency room. We didn't return home around 1 a.m. She was in a considerable amount of pain. We moved a recliner up to her room because she has to sleep upright for the next month or so. She is also sidelined from work or driving until Friday, January 13. She is alternating between depression and utter boredom and stir craziness.
Tuesday, Nov 29 - Swimming practice started up again, and this time Philbo is on the team. He has been griping for a month about being compelled to join. His first practice didn't seem to treat him too badly, and he made a few friends.
Wednesday, Nov 30 - Philip cried on the way to swim practice. Was this the day Andy and Tess picked out the Christmas tree? Maybe.
Thursday, Dec 1 - Philip said he actually kind of liked swim practice. Make up your mind, dude. Today I brought out the Advent wreath.
Saturday, Dec 3 - Philip said it's not good that there's a 3-day gap between swim practice days, because it gives him time to not want to do it anymore. After dinner, we decorated the piano and put white lights on the tree. It's a nice tree, but it's dropping needles like there's no mañana.
Brian called with some pretty bad news. After some blood work last week it turns out his cholesterol was in the 400s and his a1C was over 14. Somehow, he went from apparently healthy to insulin-dependent diabetic in less than six months. His current mood: irate.
Sunday Dec 4 - Second Sunday of Advent. I finished my SUPER SECRET COLOSSAL MEGA PROJECT today! Now it has to be pressed and framed, which I may engage in tomorrow. SUPER excited to close this chapter, and even more excited to gift it this Christmas. Philip and I decorated the tree with purple ribbons and ornaments.
Jamison came up for the day. He and Theresa constructed an impressive charcuterie board, and the kids played card games and board games until late.