Last night around 9:00, Brian was chasing the 4 little girls around the living room, growling. He startled Clare, who spun around to run away, but she lost her footing and went down on her left arm. Immediately she starting saying that her arm was numb. I knew that didn't sound good, but most people who know Clare are aware of her "tendency to over-dramatize things," so I had her rest quietly for a while to give the initial pain and indignation time to fade. After 15 or 20 minutes, though, she was still crying harder than usual, couldn't rotate her wrist, and her legs were shaking.
After a few quick phone calls and an emergency baby-sitter (thanks, Mam-Mam) we were off to the E.D. During a surprisingly short (45-min total) visit, it was confirmed that she did indeed break her arm - a buckle fracture of the left radius near the insertion. They gave her a half-cast wrapped in a bandage, which will be replaced by a full cast this week, which will probably be on for three weeks)
She's not in much pain at all and is in pretty good spirits, all things considered.
Here's the picture we'll use when she wants to engender sympathy...
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