On Friday, we were supposed to attend a free educational symphonic concert in the state capitol, but a traffic jam kept us from arriving on time. Rather than entering late, we opted to skip the exit and move on to Plan B. We drove past this awesome-looking outdoor military museum that we're always too busy to visit, and since we suddenly found ourselves with a few unclaimed hours on a gorgeous morning, we decided spontaneously and unanimously to check it out.
It was terrific - no twins, no pressure, we were free to explore... I didn't have a camera on hand, but let me just say that it was a paradise for any kid (like mine) who thinks the army is mad awesome cool. Helicopters, tanks, pillboxes, redoubts, trenches, barracks, watchtowers, cannons, guns, guns, guns and more guns. All hands-on, all interactive. I can't tell you the last time everybody was interested, nobody fought, nobody whined, nobody wanted to leave (mom included), etc..... you get the picture.
To sweeten the deal, in honor of U.S. Armed Forces Day (which was Saturday, not that I knew in advance), a special day honoring the army throughout American History was planned - think "Renaissance Faire" in camo. So in addition to the regular attractions, the place was starting to fill up with re-enactors. We were priviliged to speak with a tentful of frontiersman from the French & Indian War, a colonial American dressmaker, and an encampment of WW2 German officers, with the promise of countless more re-enactors the next day from every era from the 1750s to the present.
Even though gas money is getting short AND it's a three hour round trip AND we'd be making the trip twice in two days AND our dear husband and father had night shift on Saturday, it was decided that we absolutely could not miss Saturday's event.
And indeed we did not.
My camo kids racing across the parking lot.
They deliberately planned the most appropriate wardrobe for this outing.
Peering through a sandbag parapet (or so they tell me...)
The twins' new favorite thing is "jeeps."
The delight in those cheesy grins is evident...
The delight in those cheesy grins is evident...
Theresa in the pan-denominational chapel
It would have kept going if it hadn't edged off the platform...
Clare, in the WW2 base camp, inspecting a foot locker,
replete with supplies (and girly pinups)
replete with supplies (and girly pinups)
This was a priceless collection of genuine artifacts, even an actual roll of 1942 Life Savers. 
Here Clare is holding an Army-issued box of shells.
Here Clare is holding an Army-issued box of shells.
Let's go back to the twins for a second. I worry that I don't write about them enough.

1 comment:
Very cool pictures and day! My Seth would love this place.......we'll definitely have to visit this sumer. =)
Thanks for sharing. =)
By the way, it may be because I am an outsider, but I can't tell the twins apart.....lol They are adorable!! =)
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