Spring has arrived and the tulips, crocuses, daffodils, and hyacinths are almost ready to bloom! It's not quite time to plant, though, because we're supposed to get sub-freezing temperatures and some snow this weekend.
Brian is competing in the swimming league championships on Saturday. His events are the 200 Freestyle, the 100 Freestyle, and the 50 Backstroke.
The black bear is back in the neighborhood, and the twins just learned how to pedal their barbie trikes instead of scooting around with their feet on the ground.
Clare's Easter dress...Theresa got one exactly like it, and the twins also got matching yellow dresses. Clare also got a pair of grown-up "high heels" to go with it. We're talking about the big time here!

Brian is competing in the swimming league championships on Saturday. His events are the 200 Freestyle, the 100 Freestyle, and the 50 Backstroke.
The black bear is back in the neighborhood, and the twins just learned how to pedal their barbie trikes instead of scooting around with their feet on the ground.
Clare's Easter dress...Theresa got one exactly like it, and the twins also got matching yellow dresses. Clare also got a pair of grown-up "high heels" to go with it. We're talking about the big time here!

A recent picture of our "identical" twin girls. Sometimes I think the resemblance is uncanny, other times I can't see one at all.
Last weekend was our high school production of Godspell. Guess who had the leading role?
I tried to put up a video clip that's fairly dreadful (since my 11yos was the videographer), but blogger was having technical difficulties. Maybe tomorrow. But you get the idea. It's a high school play; what do you expect? The cast performed with incredible energy and enthusiasm. Some or all of us were in attendance for all three performances. I was so proud of them all!
Scott & Mom
Scott & Busha
So, other than the play, there hasn't been much going on, and it's been pretty boring as well.
Is it any wonder why I don't post much?
1 comment:
Makes me feel better to hear you've got bear problems, too. Love the Easter dress! The musical looks great! My oldest girl thought for sure she was going to be cast in this year's 6th grade play, and she didn't get a part. I was surprised; she was devastated. But we talked about it—you never know what a director is looking for and how God is in control—and she's okay now. Do you think your son will end up majoring in theatre?
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