Andy was away in Mississippi for a week on business, so the kids automatically claimed his empty side of the bed. Usually Regina is banished from our bed because she sleeps like a starfish. Philip is usually discouraged from joining us because he likes to push his head into someone's kidneys, or spends the whole night glommed up against somebody so tight we can't move.
The second morning I went downstairs at 6 am to load up the wood stove, and five minutes later when I wanted to go back to my warm bed, this is what I found.
No room at the inn. Tough luck, Mom. (This is a king sized bed, people.) |
The heat from the wood stove only effectively warms the first and second floors. My bedroom is on the third. With no insulation. One morning it was chilly enough for Philip to seek warmth wherever he could find it.
He's huddled in front of the space heater. Our room gets really cold.
Soooo... Conor's bedroom had been vacant since he went to college, so since it was so bitterly cold while Andy was away, I spent a few of the nights in Conor's room. After Andy got home on Friday, I told him that I wasn't going back up to the third floor, EVER. He indulged me and we moved our bedroom furniture downstairs the very next day. It's been heavenly.
Our old bedroom is now Conor's room when he's here (he always kept his room freezing anyway), or a guest bedroom when we have company, and a hangout for the kids the rest of the time with a television and game system. It's also where I'm putting all the off-season coats. I love it!
I'm going to get something else to cover that air conditioner. Eventually. |
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