There is an accordion-pleat door at the top of the stairs. It doesn't slow the babies down much, though.

At the top of the stairs there is a wide hallway with five doorways - two to the left, one straight ahead, and two to the right.

Turning immediately to your left, the delightful Theresa will escort you into the first bedroom, belonging to herself and Clare.

They have a built-in vanity top and dresser along the wall.

A rainbow mural on the wall

And a tall, deep closet with built-in drawers

Back in the hall, going clockwise, the next door leads into the twins' room

They share a double bed, with enough room for a tired parent to lie down in case they are taking too long to fall asleep. We are leaving it with clean, wide-open spaces for now. There is another tall, deep closet in this room, perfect to play hide-and-seek.

The next door leads into the 2nd floor bathroom

Continuing to the right, we enter the danger zone . . . Brian & Conor's room

It is a spacious room with a linoleum floor, perfect for cars and legos.

Here they are seen exercising their thumbs, vis-a-vis playing GameCube. The room has a built-in air conditioner, and the boys routinely keep it about 56 degrees in there. Conor had a sore throat the second week from keeping it so cold.

The room has a large closet with folding doors. They put a dresser in there to keep more floor space open for construction, or smackdowns.

Clare (and her glass candy dish) would like to show you into the next room.

We thought about keeping the twins here, since this room is just below the master bedroom, but then anybody wanting to go up to the rec room would have to pass through the twins room (or NOT, if the babies were sleeping). So the plan for now is to use this room as a school room once we start school again. Right now it's another cozy place to hang out and we've been keeping the computers there as well. I refer to it as The Lounge.
Just behind the door is a built-in bookcase, and a closet on the other side.

That window on the left faces out onto that inaccessible high porch that can be seen from the exterior pictures. One of the projects on our to-do list is to replace that window with french doors that open onto the high porch.

The closed door is another closet, albeit a shallow one. The plan is to open up the space between the light switches and make another built-in bookcase. Theresa is standing in the open doorway that leads to the third floor- the master bedroom, storage areas, third floor bathroom, rec room, upstairs kitchen, and Sarah's & Scott's bedrooms. But those pictures haven't been taken yet, so ta-ta until next time!

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