Monday, September 1, 2008

August Moments

Conor on his 10th birthday
Conor on the first day of football practice
The only picture I have so far of Brian at football practice.

Natalie in the play yard
Noelle in the play yard, on the old, old spring horse that I repainted
Brian showing off his awesome guns
Conor and Natalie

Clare and the most perfect S'more ever made

1 comment:

The Myers Family said...

Hi! I found your blog through ring surf...i was going through and your children are all soo precious! BUT, i almost had a heart attack when i saw your twins...who i think may have been born on the same day as mine(12.26.06??)...GOODNESS, they look SOO much like my girls. I had to take a second has to be the blonde hair! They are just too cute.

I'm going to add you to my favorites...i can't wait to watch your girls grow and compare notes. I have only met one other person who had id twin girls on the same day as mine...your the second! I'm soo exicted!

What a precious are one superwoman! I have 3 and feel like i'm going to pull my hair out most days...i think maybe stress is going to give me a head full of grey hair by the time i'm 35! :)