Friday, July 17, 2009

How do you post when you have nothing to say?

Not much of anything is happening around here... well, I DID spend 4 days in on my own in Chicago, which might someday be a blog post of its own. But other than that, we've been doing nothing, and I've been loving it. I know I have to start gearing up for the upcoming homeschool year, but for now I'm just decompressing. Last year was not our greatest, you know.

So far, this summer has been trips to the playground, swimming in the pond. Visits to the amusement park. Gardening.

No school. No stress. No deadlines. No pressure.

But it doesn't make for good blogging. It's not like I've gone head-to-head with Mother Nature like KathyB or anything! I don't even have batteries for my camera, so I haven't taken a single new picture during the past month. And I feel bad about it, because I know several of you have been by regularly to check if I've put anything new up. You know who you are. [Hi, Jeff! ;-)]

We've had swim meets and a tornado watch. The bunnies are master escape artists who always seem to get one step ahead of us. But they're also dumb tame enough not to run away, and they always get re-caught. The garden has grown exponentially - the jalapeno plants have flowers, we have the cutest baby bell peppers, and our first cuke is ready to be picked. (I know, it's late in the season, but we got a late start.)

The twins, at 2-and-a-half, are totally uninterested in potty training. They're also supremely adorable. Tonight they had an altercation:

Noelle takes away Natalie's toys.
Natalie starts screaming.
Noelle says, "Sorry for taking you toys, Nonnie."
Natalie says, "That's okay."
They hug.
Noelle says, "Let's share the toys!"
Natalie says, "Okay!"
They kiss.
Altercation over.

Brian is starting to go girl-crazy, and is about to go away for a week to Scout camp. He's up for election to the Order of the Arrow. {insert mysterious oohing and aahing here} His cast came off a few weeks ago and it was really ugly where the pins came out. He had to stay out of the pool for an extra two weeks while it healed. And there we were, thinking he could jump right back into swim practice the day the cast came off! He's increased by 45 seconds on every one of his strokes across the board, but he's really dedicated himself to get back into shape. After all, he did lose 6 weeks of training.

Sarah's working her tail off at the park, and trying to squeeze in an amazing summer before she leaves for college on August 27. Scott's also working a lot at the ice cream shop, and he's on antibiotics, for the second time in a month, for some type of antibiotic-resistant germ whose name usually strikes up a panic, so I won't mention it here. All I wanna know is HOW he got it, TWICE. But he's always been kind of a walking auto-immune disaster.

Conor, Clare & Theresa get no mention here. I guess they haven't been particularly good OR bad.

It's been in the high 80s every day this week.

Okay, now that I've resorted to mentioning the weather, I'm convinced this post is over.

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