Friday, July 10, 2015

Easy as 1-2-3. Not.

 Natalie's hair has been a nightmare of tangles lately.  We tried to schedule an appointment, but our stylist was away on vacation.  SOMETHING came over me today and I got the wacked-out idea that I could watch a YouTube video and do it myself.  I've been cutting the boys' and Andy's hair for years, but I was always afraid to try the girls.

Anyway, after fighting and crying our way through two more days of tangled webs, I went for it.  The video said to wash, comb out, and put the hair into a low ponytail with two elastics.  Then chop off below the lower elastic.

Easier said than done.

Chop is right.

What have you done to me?!?

Then part in the middle, comb forward, and even out on a diagonal from back to front.

It wasn't quite as simple as she made it look on YouTube, and the finished product isn't as angled as I would have liked.  It's probably going to need a lot of touch-up tomorrow, but she likes it.

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