Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Maverick's First Month. (captioned by Kirsten)

Maverick James 
7lbs 7oz and 20 1/4 inches
Went in at 2am this morning to be sent home with no change. Woke up to contractions at 3 mins apart and thought I just had to poop. The lady told me to just wait a little longer and I waited two more contractions before I made Brian take me around 7am. Ended up being 6cm dilated and everything went into craziness. They took me to a room to prep me for an epidural and never got it because by 8:30am, I wanted to push lol. They checked and he was lip. About 10 mins later, they broke my water and now our precious son is finally here! ðŸ’™ You were so stubborn throughout my pregnancy but gave me such a quick and easy labor! We love you baby boy! 

1 day old

2 days old

5 days old

7 days old

9 days old
Maverick's first bath. He hated every second of it. He first peed all over the floor before I got him in and then afterwards, pooped while in his towel. Needless to say, his one bath turned into two!

First visit to GrandDad and Pat's

10 days old

13 days old

2 weeks old

15 days old

16 days old

17 days

20 days old

22 days old

23 days old

24 days old

Maverick gained back his weight and then some. He now weighs 8lbs 5oz! 
He also grew a quarter of an inch. He's still my peanut though.

December 24, 2016
25 days old

28 days old

December 29, 2016
Our little man is one month old today! He loves to smile and laugh and he loves when you give him raspberries. He has started to "talk" and loves to talk to you at 3am when you want to sleep. He also likes to yell at you, too. He has an obsession with corners and ceiling fans and will stare at them and creep you out. He likes to watch tv, especially football and has started watching mommy play video games, too. He now eats between 4-6 ounces every feeding and will pass right out into a milk coma. He is the best and cutest baby ever! Mommy and Daddy love you so much!

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