Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Maverick's Second Month (captioned by Kirsten)

December 30, 2016

December 31

Jan 1, 2017
5 weeks old

Jan 2, 2017

Jan 4
The face I make when Mommy laughs at me

 Jan 6

Jan 8

January 8

Maverick & Aunt Noelle

Boy, this kid can SLEEP!

Jan 13

Jan 14
Belly full of milk and sleeping with a smile.

Jan 15
When I ask Maverick if daddy is bad.
Jan 16
My little monster. 💚

January 19

Slept the entire flight again but decided to poop as we were getting turbulence and descending. Changing diapers on airplanes is not fun!

January 28
He just loves to have his picture taken.

January 28
Together we make a family.

January 30
Today I turned two months old! I am a strong little man. When I get mad, I love to throw myself around and head butt whoever is holding me. I also like to kick and punch to show I'm very happy and excited. I love to stick my tongue out and blow bubbles. I always try to stand when I'm picked up and I get mad when I can't look around. I talk and laugh a lot more now and I still eat like a piggy. I have also flown four times in less than two weeks and for all of them, I slept. I got to see daddy one last time for awhile and I was so happy to see him! ☺️ We love you, Maverick. You are growing into such a lovable and sweet little man! ❤️

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