Tonight for dinner, our family had Tamale Pie, a Mexican casserole similar to chili, with a cornbread crust. Making the filling wasn't too complicated, although I haven't seen my kitchen this messy in quite some time. It didn't help that I didn't allot myself enough time to make this dish, so I was working under pressure, making a double batch, and using two separate pans because I have a child with an aversion to corn.
As Andy always says, "Ain't nothin' easy, ain't nothin' simple."
But enough about the filling. Let me get to the crust. I have to point out that I usually only get close to cornbread while eating at The Cracker Barrel, and I've only ever made it at home using a mix. My only experience with oatmeal or cream of wheat also comes from the microwave or instant varieties. So when the recipe said to bring 4 cups of water to a boil, add salt, and whisk in 1.5 cups cornmeal, whisking vigorously to avoid clumps.....well, I had no idea what to expect. I just doubled the batch and blithely proceeded to whisk.
I CERTAINLY didn't expect that a few minutes into the vigorous whisking, the entire pot would become a seething, viscous cauldron of bubbling lava. (Did I forget to mention that I recently acquired a smooth ceramic-top stove, and have not yet mastered it?) So I had 4 burners going full steam, the heat was up too high, and the cornmeal was merrily bubbling, shooting little cornmeal comets all over the place. Before I could even call Andy for help (who, by the way, was trying to nap on the couch before night shift tonight), a steaming blob of cornmeal shot out and hit me in the eye. Thanks be to God above that I happened to blink at that second, because I certainly didn't see it coming.
It hit me in the crease of my there I am, shouting for my drowsy husband to come help, because I can't even see to turn off the burner, and the lava is still erupting wildly from the pot. Oh, did I mention that there were also 5 kids present in the kitchen and living room?? He scuds in and covers the pot, turns down the heat and keeps stirring, whilst I determine if I've lost sight in that eye or not.
Well, okay, it wasn't THAT serious, but it is blistered, and just as painful now as when it happened.
The next time I make this dish, I will be ready for the cornbread. Or I might just chicken out and use two packages of cornbread mix. The kids were put off by the mushy texture of the cornbread, but that was my fault. To remedy this, I'll make the bottom crust thinner and/or give it more time to bake.
As the Amish say..... "Too soon old, too late schmardt."
I don't know if there's a moral to this story or not. If you can think of one, please let me know.
And voila' - the finished product, which was quite yummy if I do say so myself...
what a funny dinner story! Sounds like something I would totally do in my own home. I told DH we have to take a picture the next time we make dinner, since it always looks like a bomb went off in our home!
I just laughed my head off at this post! I know exactly what you're talking about--when a recipe says "stir vigorously," it's not lying!!
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