Our television is on a ledge in the corner, and the twins seem to think the closer they can get to VeggieTales, the better...
The aftermath of a very messy sock battle...Mom won, of course.

9/10 of our family has been ravaged by the stomach flu for the past two weeks. This has been a common sight in our house recently:
As soon as we felt a little better (and the rain stopped) Daddy and the healthy ones went to get our tree. They picked a real beauty...
Conor & Clare

And every day since then, the twins have been steadily un-decorating every inch they can reach. It's kind of like a reverse Pin The Tail on the Donkey - whatever they can grab is fair game. There's a sparkly silver disco ball just out of their reach, and they are so cute jumping for it, in an annoyingly mischievous kind of way. They haven't gotten it yet...they do know how to drag a stool over, so I imagine it's only a matter of time until they put two and two together. This is what the tree looks like now (and how I suspect it will look from now on).

What a great post Michele. :-)
I suspect my tree will look like yours next Christmas...lol
My little girl got sick over the weekend, and I couldn't help but think of this post! Especially the picture of your kids lolling on the floor--I love that picture!
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