Sunday, December 7, 2008

Video: Candle-Blowing Tryouts Today

With under three weeks to go until the big day, the twins have been practicing their birthday-candle blowing-out skills. This video shows that Natalie has mastered the art.
In fact, she's a candle-blowing MANIAC. Wish I could say the same for Noelle...They're also both getting good at singing the song. "Hap Boor-dee Na-Noelle" is the way Natalie says it. She calls herself Na-ee, and refers to herself and her twin as Na-Noelle. Noelle calls Natalie "Natnee' and refers to themselves as Na-Noelle. I guess maybe we say Natalie&Noelle too often? I call them by the wrong name so often that I just reduce the names to Noettalie and be done with it.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow! The twins are nearly two! I remember when you had them and I was so amazed because you came to the ice skating rink so soon after. I don't remember exactly how soon after, but I remember thinking that I didn't go out with my twins for like a year! Check my blog again soon I do have stuff to post just need the time to get it together. Avé and I were part of a harp orchestra recently and I think there will be some pretty pics and maybe a video clip....