Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week's Not Me really happened, but I can't say to whom. There was an experience recently with another blogger who blogged about something (that has probably happened to all of us moms) but was reported to Child Protective Services by someone on the internet. This makes me leery of giving too many details. But suffice it to say that it really happened to someone close to my heart who shall remain nameless.

A family I know didn't spend an exhausting day shopping out-of-town, and didn't come home laden with packages, starving and cranky. The kids weren't let loose to play in the yard while the vehicle was unloaded. Then when it started getting dark, everyone didn't pile into the house while stuff was put away and dinner was prepared amid chaos.

It wasn't fifteen minutes or so later when the doorbell didn't ring, unexpectedly. Someone didn't answer the door only to find the family's toddler child, who hadn't been left outside, alone and unnoticed. The gate to the yard wasn't open and the toddler couldn't have gone just about anywhere. But instead the toddler didn't climb up the storm door to reach the doorbell once he or she got cold enough to want to come in.

That toddler certainly isn't one smart cookie. And that mom surely didn't feel lower than dirt for not allowing it to happen.

Happy Monday, everybody! Have a great week!



Heather~sheaaa6 said...

Wow, what a smart girly! lol
You are a great Mom Michele, don't let anyone tell you different. :)

Sorry about your friend and cps. :( Makes me want to block my blog to only people I know. :(

Patricia said...

wow.. sorry about your friend. so much for the blogging world being about having a chance to rant etc... that's why I make my anonymous.

Lana@The Kids Did WHAT?! said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so glad everything turned out fine! I had to giggle when I read it was the toddler who rang the bell. I can only imagine the look on the face of who ever it was who answered the door!!

Kathy B! said...

Oh no! In 20 years they'll look back on this and smile... but right now? Right after it's happened? I can feel that horrible heavy sick feeling in my stomach just thinking about it!